Category: BLOGS

What kind of wallpaper is best for the kitchen - Wallpaper World

What kind of wallpaper is best for the kitchen

BLOGS 31/05/2023
A fashionable kitchen interior does not always require a lot of time and money. If you choose to stick wallpaper instead of tiling, your kitchen can be wallpapered cheaply and as quickly as possible. You can even get your housemates involved and make wallpapering fun together by implementing great design ideas. [ View all information;
Wallpaper for the bedroom: what textures and colors to choose - Wallpaper World

Wallpaper for the bedroom: what textures and colors to choose

BLOGS 28/04/2023
Renovating or creating from scratch the interior of a bedroom is an interesting and responsible process that begins with the conceptualization and choice of finishing materials. The walls are most often wallpapered, because it is convenient, fast and economical, and you can buy wallpaper for the bedroom to implement a variety of design ideas View all information;
How to choose the right wallpaper for the bathroom - Wallpaper World

How to choose the right wallpaper for the bathroom

BLOGS 21/04/2023
Designul băii joacă un rol important, deoarece în acest loc o persoană se trezește și își începe ziua, se pune în ordine înainte de a ieși din casă și se pregătește pentru pat. Proprietarii de apartamente și case au multe opțiuni pentru amenajarea spațiilor, dar din ce în ce mai des locuitorii din București și […] View all information;
Monochromatic wallpaper - a design trend - Wallpaper World

Monochromatic wallpaper – a trend in design

BLOGS 06/03/2023
Everyone has a desire to make the interior of the house unique and comfortable, but difficulties often arise with the implementation of design ideas. The first and most important stage of transformation is the choice of material for wall decoration. If you make a mistake, then in the kitchen, bedroom, living room or other room it will be unpleasant to [ View all information;
When to glue wallpaper: before laminate or after? - The World of Wallpapers

When to glue wallpaper: before laminate or after?

BLOGS 13/01/2023
The wide variety of modern construction and renovation materials makes it possible to decorate any room according to everyone's preferences. Practicality and aesthetics are often a priority, so wallpaper for the walls and laminate for the floor are often chosen. It seems simple, but first you have to decide if you want to stick wallpaper View all information;
How to stick wallpaper on plasterboard? - The World of Wallpapers

How to stick wallpaper on plasterboard?

BLOGS 12/01/2023
Everyone who has decided to improve their home or renovate their furniture, certainly has many solutions to choose from. This is due not only to the number of design options available for different types of rooms, but also to the variety of materials. Finishing the walls - the main stage, because the way they will be View all information;