Hallway/Entrance Wallpaper
Showing 1993–2004 of 5003 resultsСортировка: самые недавние
- -37%
Обои 77107 Jealous Walls
В наличии
Первоначальная цена составляла 830.00 lei.520.00 leiТекущая цена: 520.00 lei. - -37%
Обои 77103 Jealous Walls
В наличии
Первоначальная цена составляла 830.00 lei.520.00 leiТекущая цена: 520.00 lei. - -37%
Обои 77101 Jealous Walls
В наличии
Первоначальная цена составляла 830.00 lei.520.00 leiТекущая цена: 520.00 lei. - -37%
Обои 77018 Jealous Walls
В наличии
Первоначальная цена составляла 830.00 lei.520.00 leiТекущая цена: 520.00 lei. - -72%
Обои 769579 Barbara Becker
В наличии
Первоначальная цена составляла 350.00 lei.99.00 leiТекущая цена: 99.00 lei. - -72%
Обои 769326 Barbara Becker
В наличии
Первоначальная цена составляла 350.00 lei.99.00 leiТекущая цена: 99.00 lei. - -72%
Обои 768824 Barbara Becker
В наличии
Первоначальная цена составляла 350.00 lei.99.00 leiТекущая цена: 99.00 lei. - -72%
Обои 768220 Barbara Becker
В наличии
Первоначальная цена составляла 350.00 lei.99.00 leiТекущая цена: 99.00 lei. - -45%
Обои 763744 Patricia
В наличии
Первоначальная цена составляла 180.00 lei.99.00 leiТекущая цена: 99.00 lei. - -45%
Обои 763737 Patricia
Ultimele 1 buc.
Первоначальная цена составляла 180.00 lei.99.00 leiТекущая цена: 99.00 lei. - -45%
Обои 763720 Patricia
В наличии
Первоначальная цена составляла 180.00 lei.99.00 leiТекущая цена: 99.00 lei. - -45%
Обои 763676 Patricia
Ultimele 3 buc.
Первоначальная цена составляла 180.00 lei.99.00 leiТекущая цена: 99.00 lei.
Wallpaper for the hall
Every house or apartment starts with a corridor. Crossing the threshold, a person immediately feels the atmosphere prevailing in the house. And to make it as comfortable as possible, special attention should be paid to the arrangement of the hallway. The best option is to buy wallpaper for the hall in our online store. In the proposed catalog you can choose canvases that differ in color, texture and manufacturer's brand, taking into account the size of the corridor and the specifics of its functionality.
What wallpaper is suitable for the corridor
Older houses are characterized by the presence of quite narrow and cramped corridors. Thus, it is quite difficult to place the necessary furniture and equipment in a small hallway. And if we are talking about repairing or changing the interior, this question takes many by surprise.
Therefore, before buying wallpaper in the hall, our experts recommend not only familiarizing yourself with the existing proposals on the market, but also selecting products that specifically contribute to the visual expansion of the space. E.g, wallpaper of light shades it will fit perfectly in a narrow corridor. Dark colors, on the other hand, require additional lighting.
The most frequently used option are simple canvases, the texture of which imitates plaster, stone, concrete; abstract elements and ornaments are also popular. At the same time, do not forget that modern wallpaper in the corridor it should fit harmoniously into the general interior of the house. Therefore, in the online store tapete.ro you can easily choose products from several model lines or focus on contrast by choosing cloths decorated in different styles.
Types of wallpaper used to decorate the hall
Wall canvases offered for sale by our company are of high quality, meet modern operational requirements and allow their use for decorating the walls in the hallway. The most popular products are:
- Non-woven wallpapers – they are resistant to stretching, easy to clean;
- Vinyl based – they can be treated with cleaning agents, if necessary, they are distinguished by the rich variety of models;
- Paper wallpapers – are the most accessible;
- TEXTILE – belong to the category of elite canvases and allow you to create a unique interior.
Now it is very easy to buy wallpaper for the corridor in Moldova - the online store tapete.ro will deliver your purchase directly to your home, quickly and reliably. The catalog includes merchandise items in various price categories. However, you can purchase the products you like in the required quantity at the most favorable price. The cost of wallpaper it is calculated based on the type of wallpaper, the base used, the length of the rolls, the type of fibers and the texture.
How to order wallpaper in the hall
Pentru a cumpăra tapet pentru hol în România, selectați modelele care vă plac pe site-ul companiei noastre, indicând cantitatea necesară. După adăugarea în coș, accesați formularul de comandă. Managerii magazinului nostru online sunt întotdeauna gata să vă ajute în alegerea și calcularea cantității necesare de tapet, precum și a costului final al materialului. Când plasați o comandă, includeți adresa și datele de contact.
Your order will be delivered to the specified address as soon as possible. For the transport of the rolls, we use specialized vehicles, and therefore the canvases are not subject to the risks of wetting, dirt or the influence of other factors that can affect the quality and integrity of the wallpaper.